My password won't get accepted (not strong enough)
Since Nourishly has very personal and sensitive data it is important it is secured with a strong password. This means not using dictionary words, names or places as part of the password and often adding a symbol, digit and/or uppercase.
Examples of weak passwords
- 4New*York. This may look strong but it is actually weak due to having two dictionary words.
- Ufed1982. Having a year in there makes this password weak. In general don't string numbers together.
iPhone and Android have good builtin password managers that can create strong passwods. It is advised that clients use one of them or another password manager like 1password. Not just for Nourishly but for all their internet accounts.
Alternatively, one common way to create strong passwords is to come up with a memorable phrase and use the first letter from each word. e.g.
"I really enjoy working from the great outdoors instead of at my desk”.
Could create a password Irewftgoioamd which is very strong even without a number or symbol.